The next property was a bit different again. We were fortunate to be in a garden which was mostly lawn and larger than the previous places we'd excavated. The owners were more than happy for us to dig as much as we pleased and so we began opening up pits..
...I gained a new assistant supervisor...
...and we enjoyed a break in the sun...
...but we didn't find any archaeological features. We had some layers with Roman and Iron Age pottery, much like in all of the properties along this road but no ditches or pits like before. Although our time at the property ended the owners wanted to continue digging so some of my volunteers went back for a few more days and found this in the back fill of one of the test pits... Iron Age brooch! Very nice. I believe it to be from around the 1st century AD (roughly used around the time of the Roman conquest in 43 AD) and it is made of Bronze. If any one has any more info then please do share in the comment box below.
And that concludes our 4th property. We had a total of 7 pits in the end which I think is a new record for the A Town Unearthed project! be continued...
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